Fast forward about two years, I have now purchased a Springfield 1911 in .45 caliber. My first choice again was Hornady TAP, Critical Defence in .45 +P. I had issues immediately, I was unable to unload the gun after a round was chambered. Very scary situation. Finally, I was able to force the slide backwards ejecting the round. So after some Googling, and some show and tell at the gun shop, we determined that Springfield handguns with "match" barrels don't have the headspace needed for these specific rounds. So back to regular old TAPs in this gun.
For those that don't know, 1911 is a big, heavy gun. The .45 is also a very powerful cartridge. This means that the recoil spring in the gun is comparably heavy, making the slide mechanism have quite a bit of oomph when loading the next round. Too bad that this can mean major damage to shells when they don't eject properly while unloading a live round. I have had a multitude of damaged bullets from this. The damages include bent cases, dented cases, and probably the scariest one, pressing the bullet further into the case. I have never seen anything like this before, but there it is. (pictured left) The reason this is so bad is because the bullet being pressed further into the case will increase the pressure when it is fired. This slightly shorter bullet could have resulted in a blown up gun. (worst case scenario) So when unloading a gun, point down and away from anything, eject the magazine and pull back firmly on the slide. The live round should eject normally, if it doesn't, lock the slide back and remove the jammed round.
My practice now is pretty simple to avoid these issues. I clean all my guns once a month, (a good practice to be in anyway) while doing so I empty all magazines and inspect every round. I lightly oil them as well with Rem oil from a spray can, I find this helps prevent corrosion and reduces jamming. In addition to that I inspect any live round that I eject when unloading my carry gun.
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