You wanna know what my preparation for this was? I started the generator for a few minutes to make sure it was running ok and Jenna put all the lawn furniture in the shed. No hoarding gas, no running to Home Depot to fight over generators, no buying up a hundred C batteries. (By the way if you still have one of those giant Mag lights that even uses C batteries you are severely outdated in the lighting department) Granted, I am a crazy person, so I am very over prepared for something like this, but there is really no reason to not have five days worth of food in your house. In this post I am gonna lay out a really cheap survival kit, this combined with a five day food supply and you should be able to ride out about anything that might hit the Northeast.

I will touch on food only briefly, just think of three simple meals per day, per person. (Non-perishable of course) Might be a good idea to avoid foods that require cooking, think of soup, spam, stuff like that. Personally I like to stock up on rice and dried beans, the main reason is that they're cheap and last indefinitely if kept dry. These do require cooking but if you have a camp stove or a generator (or the simple ability to make fire) this isn't a problem. For simple indoor cooking I like Sterno, they work well and it's easy to cut up a soup can to make a little stove. Make sure to buy the name brand ones though, they are the only ones I've found that guarantee safe use indoors. I also have a butane stove from MSR that i really like. (purchased at Eastern Mountain Sports) If you can spare the cash commercially available emergency food is a good bet. Most of them are freeze dried and require boiling water. A really good option are military style MRE's. (Meals ready to eat) These can be opened up and eaten as is, or warmed up. Some even come with a heater that uses a chemical reaction to heat your food, it only requires a couple ounces of water to do so.
-First thing in your kit should be flashlights. Buy good ones! Cheapo flashlights are not bright, unreliable and they chew through batteries. Mini Mag Light LED is a cheap, reliable option. They will run about four hours on one set of batteries. Swap new batteries into the kit every two years.
-Next have a mylar survival blanket for each person in the house, you can get them in the camping section at any store that has a camping section. You never know how long the power will be out, or how cold it will be while it is.
-A good first aid kit is important to have in the house any way, build one or buy one.
-A bunch of guns. Not for everyone, I know, just saying is all.
-At least two road flares, important for signaling for help.
-A crank or battery powered radio.
-Two lighters and matches. The best kind to get would be the strike anywhere waterproof ones. (camping section)
-At least six 9 hour emergency candles (camping section as well)
-A solid muti-tool is a must, if you don't know your knives you can't go wrong with a Gerber, they sell them at Dick's. I prefer Columbia river, they sell them at Eastern Mountain sports or on Amazon.
-Some kind of water container is possibly the most important, at least five gallons worth per person. With flooding comes sewage and seawater, possibly contaminating the drinking water supply. Fill your containers before the storm and if there is flooding, do not trust the tap water until it is deemed safe. If you don't have a container, fill the bathtub.
When you get the news that a storm is coming, go through and check the kit, test batteries and check your water supply. You should also pack a bag for each person in the event of an evacuation. I also cannot stress enough how important cash is. If phone lines are down and power is out, you cannot use your debit card or withdraw money at the atm. If you are evacuated a couple hundred bucks will be a good thing to have with you. And yes, you should have a full tank of gas. A good rule of thumb is to always keep a half tank in your vehicle, true for hurricanes and the zombie apocalypse.
Having now covered the basic survival end of things I want to talk about one of the simpler things. As we have seen, people in the city were desperate to simply charge their phone. It may sound stupid, but a charged phone could be a lifesaver. Not just from boredom, but in the event of a medical emergency, or to simply let a loved one know that you're ok. If you have a smartphone, and no way to charge it, turn the damn thing off. Change your outgoing message to reflect that, and turn it on a few times a day to check it. If you have a car, make sure to have a car charger, worst case you can charge it out there. If you don't have a car you're gonna have to plan ahead. One of my many contingencies is a solar backup battery, I did a post on it a few months back. (Solar Battery Backup) This thing is pretty cool, and it can give you about a charge and a half before it dies. As long as its sunny you can top it off all day and charge at night.
For a longer term solution, I have a D/C system set up in my closet, using two car batteries and a solar panel. I did a quick video on it awhile back. (Be inventive) This is a bit ambitious for most. The simple way to make one of these small systems is an automotive jump box and a 12 volt solar panel. These can be picked up at place like Autozone or Advance auto parts for under 150 dollars. Most of these jump packs have a 12v power outlet you can plug a car charger into. So just keeping it plugged into the wall until the power goes out will probably give you enough to charge your phone for a week.