Once the tea is brewed, strain out the flowers using a mesh
strainer. Add about half of the tea back into the pot, add two pounds of
your favorite honey. For this batch I'm using Russel farms pure wild
flower honey, from Rhinebeck NY. All honey, especially local stuff, has a
different sugar content. This is why we start with half of the tea,
it's much easier to add more tea than remove it. Add tea in small
increments until the hydrometer* reads the desired potential. For this
batch I'm looking for about 11% potential, hopefully ending in about two
months at 1%, giving a total of 10% abv. If you don't have a hydrometer
they can be picked up at any brewing supply store, or at Amazon for
under ten dollars. If you want to make this before you get one, or
society has broken down an you're unable to purchase one from Amazon,
two pounds of honey makes roughly 10% potential in a gallon total of
wort*. That's a gallon total, not adding to a gallon of water, so add
the honey to a one gallon measure, then add the water. This should get
you pretty close. This particular jar of honey gave me three quarts of
wort at 12% potential. Once you've reached the desired sweetness, bring
the mixture up to a rolling boil. This kills any wild yeasts or bacteria
in the honey or water. While warming up, sanitize your fermenters.
There are several ways to sanitize. The most readily available is
heat, simply fill the containers (in this case two 1/2 gallon growlers)
with boiling hot water and cap them. This is similar to pasteurization,
keeping the container above 160 degrees for about 10 minutes should kill
anything inside. By far the easiest way is to buy a brewing
disinfectant like Starsan, which I am using for this batch. A small
amount of bleach mixed with water will work well, (about a capfull per
gallon) but can leave some bad flavors behind. Disinfect a small piece
of tinfoil as well to loosely cover the top. You cannot just cap it, IT
WILL EXPLODE. Believe me, I've had it happen. I've found that with Mead
you don't need to be quite as careful as with beer. Honey has natural
disinfectant and antibacterial properties and gives you a little room
for error, once your yeast is established theres little chance of
something else taking hold. The traditional way to make mead by the way
is to not disinfect at all and ferment openly, allowing the wild yeasts
to penetrate the brew. I will be doing half in the traditional way and
the other half using commercial brewing yeast. Which can also be picked
up at a brewing supply or online. For mead I prefer Nottingham dry ale

After about a month, check on your brews. At this point they should be around 5% potential, still way too sweet, but especially when experimenting I like to keep a close eye on it. With my spruce mead a gallon batch was done in 19 days so keep that in mind. At about 2% pour off a glass and chill it in the fridge. If its too sweet, let it go a little longer, if not, start racking. If you don't have a hydrometer, taste will be all you have to go on, it will take practice
Racking consists of chilling the mead so the solids drop out. My method generally is to refrigerate my fermenter down to about 35 degrees and to carefully pour off the mead without disturbing the sediment at the bottom. Do this three times and you will have shelf stable mead, but if you plan on refrigerating it can just be done once or twice. The danger of exploding bottles makes me worry about leaving my mead unrefrigerated. I have had success in the past though, just check them every few days for the first week, if there's no sediment forming in the bottom you got all the yeast out. Serve your mead chilled, somewhere between 45 and 60 degrees. All brews will be a little different depending on ingredients and sweetness, so serving temperature will vary.
Mead has truly become one of my favorite beverages. It's all natural, full of vitamins, and there's no hangover to deal with. Local honey also has really helped with my allergies as well. Three years ago I had such bad allergies I was medicated for two months every spring. Now I only have one attack a year when the trees bloom. All of these benefits and the satisfaction of getting a nice buzz on something you made yourself.
Hydrometer- A device that when floated in a mixture shows sugar content based on bouyancy.
Wort- Beer or mead before fermentation begins, basically a sweet liquid.
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